

LIFE4HeatRecovery fördert und ermutigt die Interaktion mit anderen Projekten (Horizon2020, LIFE-Programm usw.) oder Organisationen, die sich mit den Themen Nachhaltiges Fernwärmen und -kühlen und Abwärmenutzung befassen, um ein Netzwerk von Einheiten zu schaffen, mit denen neue Beziehungen, Interaktionen und Verbindungen aufgebaut werden können mit dem Ziel, gemeinsam in Synergie zu arbeiten und neue und zukünftige Kooperationen zu etablieren. Wenn Sie mit LIFE4HeatRecovery zusammenarbeiten möchten oder weitere Informationen erhalten möchten, wenden Sie sich bitte an den Projektkoordinator Roberto Fedrizzi

Projects (in English)

The REWARDHeat project will work on the development and installation of 8 different innovative district heating networks to drastically reduce the consumption of fossil energy for heating and cooling, thus reducing emissions of CO2 and other harmful pollutants.

The objective of COOL DH action is to support cities in their endeavor to plan and deploy new, efficient district heating and cooling (DHC) systems, and extend and refurbish existing ones to higher standards. Thus it will be allowing greater uptake of renewables, recovering of excess heat or cold while improving the overall efficiency of the systems.

The EU-funded ACCEPT project intends to develop and deliver a digital toolbox that allows energy communities to offer innovative digital services and access revenue streams that can financially support their functions and secure their sustainability and effectiveness. The ACCEPT framework will be demonstrated and validated in four pilot sites in Greece, the Netherlands, Spain and Switzerland.

16 companies and institutes from across Europe have joined forces as part of the EU-funded project EMB3Rs to add value to waste heat and help make better use of renewable energy sources. A novel tool, to be developed by August 2022, will allow energy-intensive industries and other excess heat and cold sources to explore ways of reusing their excess thermal energy.

EnerMaps Open Data Management Tool aims to improve data management and accessibility in the field of energy research for the renewable energy industry. EnerMaps’ tool accelerates and facilitates the energy transition offering a qualitative and user-friendly digital platform to the energy professionals.

“Unify: Bringing the EU together on climate action” aims to facilitate the effective and early transition of Member States across Europe to low carbon and resilient economies by unifying three key policy opportunities: programming of EU funds, National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) and national and the EU’s Long Term Strategies.

ETEKINA project aims to recover 57-70% of the waste heat stream in energy intensive industries. Ten companies and institutes participate to improve the energy performance of energy intensive processes. Their solution is based on heat exchanger technology (HPHE) using heat pipes for thermal recovery. Three HPHE prototypes will be built and tested for three different production plants. The challenge: the recovery solution should be adapted increasing the overall efficiency and being cost-effective.

SO WHAT Project main objective is to develop and demonstrate an integrated software which will support industries and energy utilities in selecting, simulating and comparing alternative Waste Heat and Waste Cold exploitation technologies that could cost-effectively balance the local forecasted H&C demand also via renewable energy sources integration.

Decarb City Pipes 2050 is the first project to unite cities across Europe to work out actionable, spatially differentiated transition roadmaps to decarbonise heating and cooling for buildings in 2050. Bilbao, Bratislava, Dublin, Munich, Rotterdam, Vienna and Winterthur are taking up the challenge of phasing out natural gas in heating.

MAKING-CITY will address and demonstrate advanced procedures and methodologies based on the Positive Energy District (PED) during 60 months. A PED is defined as “a district with annual net zero energy import and net zero carbon emissions, working towards an annual local surplus production of renewable energy” in the European Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET Plan).

RELaTED Project will provide an innovative concept of decentralized Ultra-Low Temperature (ULT) network solution that can pave the way for expanding and modernizing existing district heating networks as well as introducing and establishing district heating in emerging EU markets. 

KeepWarm works with District Heating Systems in 7 countries to increase EnergyEfficiency of these systems and to reduce GHG emissions by promoting a switch from fossil to Renewable Energy Systems.

Horizon 2020 funded UtilitEE project is developing Energy as a Service delivery approach via an open ICT ecosystem.

The objective of ReUseHeat is to demonstrate first of their kind advanced, modular and replicable systems enabling the recovery and reuse of excess heat available at the urban level. ReUseHeat will tackle both technical and non-technical barriers to unlocking urban waste heat recovery projects and investments across Europe.

PLANHEAT will develop and validate an integrated and easy-to-use tool to support local authorities in selecting, simulating and comparing alternative low carbon and economically sustainable scenarios for heating and cooling. It will be validated in the three PLANHEAT cities.

The TEMPO project develops technical innovations that enables district heating networks to operate at lower temperatures. By decreasing the temperature in the systems, it reduces heat losses and allows a higher share of renewable and excess heat to be used as heat sources.

The D2GRIDS project aims to develop 5th generation urban heating and cooling networks (5G DHC) in Europe. They will allow to anticipate the needs or sources of fatal heat, cold or renewable electricity in their vicinity.

MAtchUP is a EU-funded Smart City project involving three lighthouse cities and four follower cities. The project will design and implement a palette of innovative solutions in the energy, mobility and ICT sectors that will serve as a model of urban transformation for other cities in Europe and beyond.

Waste heat utilization plays an important role in reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions. The website is a key result of the European project CE-HEAT which is funded by the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE Programme that encourages cooperation on shared challenges in Central Europe.

HeatNet NWE will address the challenge of reducing CO2 emissions in North West Europe by creating an integrated transnational NWE approach to the supply of renewable and low carbon heat (incl. waste heat) to residential and commercial buildings. District Heating and Cooling facilitates energy efficiency, less CO2 emissions and a greener economy. 

Associations and Institutions

EEIP is a free, neutral and open business and policy platform for the energy transition. Launched at the European Commission in April 2011, EEIP is set up as a not-for-profit organisation in order to facilitate open and inclusive dialogue within market participants and between market participants and EU policymakers.

The District Energy in Cities Initiative is a multi-stakeholder partnership coordinated by UN Environment, with financial support from DANIDA, the Global Environment Facility, Italian Ministry of Environment and Protection of Land and Sea, and the Kigali Cooling Efficiency Program (K-CEP).

The International District Energy Association (IDEA) works actively to foster the success of our members as leaders in providing reliable, economical, efficient, and environmentally sound district heating, district cooling, and combined heat and power.

Euroheat & Power is the international network for district energy, promoting sustainable heating and cooling in Europe and beyond.

Set up under the umbrella of Euroheat & Power, DHC+ Technology Platform is the European hub for research & innovation in district heating and cooling. It is a group of stakeholders from academia, research, business and industry committed to move to a sustainable energy system.

International energy agency technology collaboration programme on District Heating and Cooling.