Click on the images for information about the results of LIFE4HeatRecovery

Click on the videos for more information about the activities of the project

During the last months, LIFE4HeatRecovery went through a restructuring process, ending up with an amendment of the project, which was approved in July 2021 by the European Commission.


There are a lot of news and improvements in LIFE4HeatRecovery, with new activities and results that will be published as soon as they will be available.


There are two main modifications to the project, regarding:


The LIFE4HeatRecovery consortium

The pilot systems


LIFE4HeatRecovery consortium


The Consortium has changed; two partners left, but five new partners joined the project:


  • Aalborg Forsyning; it consists of a number of utility companies owned by Aalborg Municipality (Denmark). It supplies customers with district heating, cooling, gas and water. It also diverts wastewater, collects waste and offers energy advice.
  • Aalborg University; this Danish university has a strong tradition in energy planning, and is among the top two percent of the world’s 17,000 universities.
  • Heatflow; it is a full thermal solutions provider, with design teams in Europe & India. It delivers fast prototyping for full production and it is based in Hjørring, Denmark. 
  • Søren Jensen; an engineering consultancy on building design and urban development, with special competencies on data center. Based in Aahrus (Denmark), it strives to create solutions where hardcore engineering, new technologies and shared dreams unite to create inspirational and artful engineering. They believe regenerative and cognitive buildings are the core of the next generation of the built environment.
  • Spinergy; is a Energy Service Company (ESCO) with HQ in Bergamo (Italy). It provides technical and management consultancy in the field of energy: costs and consumptions optimization, industrial energy efficiency interventions and direct investments.


Pilot systems


Pilot systems have been redefined and changed, four real sites will be used to demonstrate the waste heat recovery solutions developed:


  • 2 neutral-temperature network solutions will be developed by the beneficiaries Cogeme and Mijnwater in Italy and the Netherlands
  • 2 installations in a medium/high-temperature network will be finalized by Aalborg Universitet, Aalborg Forsyning, Heatflow, Søren Jensen and Enisyst in Denmark.



LIFE4HeatRecovery wird die Wirksamkeit einer neuen Generation von intelligenten Fernwärme- und Fernkältenetzen entwickeln und demonstrieren, bei denen Niedertemperatur-Abwärmequellen genauso verteilt sind wie die Verbraucher
