Click on the images for information about the results of LIFE4HeatRecovery

Click on the videos for more information about the activities of the project

The EU produces more waste heat than the demand of its entire building stock. Conservative estimates suggest that industrial waste heat could cover at least 25% of district heating generation. Moreover, there is significant heat recovery potential from unconventional waste heat sources, i.e. waste heat from data centres, metro stations, service sector buildings, or waste-water treatment plants could cover 10 % of the EU's total energy demand for heat and hot water. Different initiatives have come up with recommendations to boost the recovery of waste heat to be used in DH networks, to help decarbonise cities.


This webinar was jointly organised by the Urban Agenda Energy Transition Partnership action 2, the ReUseHeat project and the Celsius initiative. Experiences from the field and policy recommendations will be presented and discussed.


LIFE4HeatRecovery participied with our coordinator, Roberto Fedrizzi, describing the Industrial Waste Heat oppurtunity and activities  of the project. His presentation begins at 41:15, enjoy it!



Introduction by the moderator – Emilia Pisani, Johanneberg Science Park / Celsius Initiative


An integrated energy system, the role of waste heat – Antonio Lopez, Deputy Head of the Renewable Energy Unit at DG ENER, European Commission


Experience from the field, “excess heat owner” – Challenges and best practices


Industrial waste heat - Roberto Fedrizzi, Life4HeatRecovery project coordinator, Coordinator Sustainable Heating and Cooling Systems at EURAC Research


Waste Heat from tertiary sector - Erik Barentsen, Senior Policy Officer, Dutch Data center Association


Policy recommendations – Putting the right framework and incentives in place to boost WH recovery


The economic and financial perspective: the ReUseHeat project policy recommendations - Kristina Lygnerud, ReUseHeat project coordinator; Energy Department Manager, Swedish Environmental Research Institute (IVL)


Presentation of the Urban Agenda Energy Transition Partnership action 2 policy recommendations - Pauline Lucas, Euroheat and Power coordinator EHP WH Task Force



LIFE4HeatRecovery wird die Wirksamkeit einer neuen Generation von intelligenten Fernwärme- und Fernkältenetzen entwickeln und demonstrieren, bei denen Niedertemperatur-Abwärmequellen genauso verteilt sind wie die Verbraucher
